
Started studing Erlang

From some time i'm trying to study Erlang. Mostly because of the elegant way it handling a huge numbers of threads. Some day I'm hoping to replace Pound with a distributed system of Erlang-based loadbalancers/reverse proxies. Good, but not…

Lingr API

...The Lingr API is a simple, HTTP-based REST protocol that enables anyone to interact with, extend, and mashup Lingr in whatever wacky way they want.... ...Using the Ruby Lingr API toolkit, a Ruby programmer can be up and talking to our A…

Fork JavaScript

Fork is a JavaScript library with Ajax, Events, DOM manipulation, etc. Fork is a general purpose library with a few bonus lines in the Ajax library specifically for use with Ruby on Rails however the library can be happily used outside of …

Basic Authentication for Camping

Small is smart ;) Another bright idea: Basic Authentication for Camping. No need from difficult admin controllers/methods. Good.

Ruby-1.8.5 release

We have just released the latest stable version of Ruby. This is a bug fix release. There should be no big difference from 1.8.4. We hope 1.8.5 is more stable and reliable than its preceding versions.―-Yukihiro MatsumotoAnd the change summ…


Test Driven Development (TDD) has you define the behaviour of your system by writing small tests that precisely define some small piece of your system's behaviour. Then you implement that behaviour. Then you clean up and improve your desig…

Steve Kemp’s software: i like it

Found very good site: interesting stuff: Argo ― Xen Monitor / Control Panel. Simple, extensible, framework for controling a host running multiple Xen instances. Exactly what I need for the company. lua-httpd ― simple, but …

Rich Text Editor for your Rails Applications

via Aidan Finn's blog :widgEditor is a small simple lightweight editor. It provided basic rich functions such as bold, italics, links, lists, images and headings. Rails integration: Download widgEditor and uncompress Copy the widgEditor.js…

Park Place, an Amazon-S3 Clone in Ruby

Via RedHanded:Park Place, a clone of Amazon's S3 (Simple Storage Service.) It's written entirely in Ruby, with heaps of help from the Camping 4k web framework. Oh, and no SOAP support to speak of. gem install camping --source code.whythelu…

AJAX: Is Your Application SECURE Enough?

The related discussion on Digg is also pretty informative. Some hints: Validating anything you run through eval() to make sure its just JSON, and not malicious code -- json.js Calling the JSON.parse(...) method instead of the eval(...) fun…

Ruby Hacking Guide

Project to translate into English the Ruby Hacking Guide. The RHG is a book that explains how the ruby interpreter (the official C implementation of the Ruby language) works internally.

Lua - the silent new web 2.0 player?

Everything started with a post, benchmarking cherrypy agains other similar web servers. Nothing special, we can see how good Mongrel is ;) What catched my attention was the lines about LuaWeb2: [Mongrel] ... Requests per second: 386.31 [#/…

One ring to lead them all...

It's not about famous "The Lord of the Rings" movie. It's about increasing the performance via using the unified tools. What I'm talking about: My everyday usage programming language of choice is Ruby My web applications are in Ruby: Ruby …


For the Second Rails meeting in Osaka I needed to prepare some slides for my presentation. Usually there is no projector there, but we have network, so I thought it will be good everybody to access slides with their own browser. Before I u…

Ajax Scaffold Generator

...Ajax Scaffold Generator (for Ruby on Rails) creates a scaffold page like the typical rails one, except adding, editing and deleting are all done inline. The generated scaffold is valid XHTML strict and fully styled right out of the box.…

pure ruby FastCGI implementation

Can I use it for something?

Stylish your code

Rules for better Rails programming: Two spaces, no tabs Blocks use { }, if they are one-liners, otherwise do … end Surround equal signs with spaces, @myvar = ‘foo’, not @myvar=’foo’ Surround hash assignments with spaces, :foo => ‘bar’, not…

Testing C with Libtap

Libtap is a library for testing C code. It implements the Test Anything Protocol, which is emerging from Perl's established test framework.

Rails-like framework in Javascript!

Ajax すぎる? :)

CGIKit 2.0.0 preview 2

CGIKit is a web application framework written in Ruby.Features: 100% Pure Ruby components based Can handle RSS and Ajax (prototype.js) FastCGI adaptor API references in japanese Hm, can it be pure man Rails replacement? And will it give us…

Multilingual Rails

via Robby on Rails:Globalize is a Ruby on Rails plugin designed to support multilingual applications. It’s under the MIT License, same as Ruby on Rails.

Custom Validation Messages

Two interesting things in this area: Custom Validation Messages plugin Set Field Names plugin There are some expectations for a patch to the Rails distribution sources.

Clearing ActiveRecord-saved sessions

AWDwR book is full with wizdom. Will try to post here from time to time a small gems from it, suitable for our Rails production environment. For easier searching the title lines will be prefixed with [Agile]. So the first gem, something li…

HowTo Use Active Record Outside Rails

Create example database $ mkdir db $ sqlite db/database.sqlite sqlite> create ...... Create tasks.rb # require AR require 'rubygems' require_gem 'activerecord' # connect to the database (sqlite in this case) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_co…

Engines & Migrations

From the James Adam's post to the Rails ML: If your Engine has a properly -formed "db/migrate" folder, you can now use the provided "rake engines_migrate" task to manage its tables in the database. Find this code in the development branch …


a script/overview for viewing the methods of classes under app/ Download the script Hm a little not working :( $ script/overview mmc.cscript/overview:68:in `outline_format': private method `sub!' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) fro…

Even better themes (theme_generator version 1.3.0)

Theme Generator Shapes Up The theme support is now completely encapsulated in a plugin fully supports custom application views supports using liquid templates and it’s dead simple to use ;)


rails myapp && cd myapp && ./script/plugin install \ ./script/generate authenticated user account ./script/generate authenticated_mailer user

A Markdown editor

If using Markdown for presentations (s5presents), wiki or blog, maybe TextMate+Markdown+SmartyPants is a pretty good solution.

A good snippet for switching sessions off

From Scott Stuff Blog: class ArticlesController < ApplicationController cached_pages = [:index, :read, :permalink, :category, :find_by_date, :archives, :view_page, :tag] caches_page *cached_pages session :off, :only => cached_pages ... end