
Online books

merb-book on github and Online Merb Book ramaze-book on github The Django Book

Joyent Facebook Developer Accelerator

Got my own Joyent Facebook Developer Accelerator . Will try to put some Merb application on it. To read: Merb and Data Mapper Merb & Datamapper: Getting Rolling Tutorial on developing a Facebook platform application with Ruby On Rails Usin…

Joyent Facebook Developer Accelerator

Got my Joyent Facebook Developer Accelerator. Will try to put some Merb application on it. To read: Merb and Data Mapper Merb & Datamapper: Getting Rolling Tutorial on developing a Facebook platform application with Ruby On Rails Using Rub…

Optimizing HTTP server performance on Linux

via DebianHelpDisabling the TCP options reduces the overhead of each TCP packet and might help to get the last few percent of performance out of the server. Be aware that disabling these options most likely decreases performance for high-l…

nginx-0.5.24, server executable upgrade "on the fly"

There is a new version of the nginx web server - nginx-0.5.24. Too many upgrades recently :( From the changelog: Bugfix: a part of response body may be passed uncompressed if gzip was used; bug appeared in 0.5.23. I have a small ugly shell…

Erlang gen_tcp:listen options

{active, Boolean} ...If the active option is true, which is the default, everything received from the socket will be sent as messages to the receiving process. If the active option is set to false (passive mode), the process must explicitl…

Even Simpler Queue Service (ESQS)

Like a part of my Erlang study, I decided to code a pure-man queues management service, similar to Amazon SQS – Even Simpler Queue Service (or Erlang SQS you decide ;) ). For now it’s just one file qserver.erl , but i hope to make it bette…

Search Erlang-related information

Started Google Co-op powered Erlang-related Search Engine. Enjoy Update 09-Feb-2007: Also some tinyurl for the search machine

Software project management tool

...Devalot is a software project management tool. Think about it this way: take the best features from applications like Trac, Collaboa, and GForge, then sprinkle in a few features from Mephisto and Typo...

Keeping Rails running at Dreamhost Part 2

...I’ve finally gotten my 500 error rate down to 0 by making some minor changes to the signal handling code of dispatch.fcgi. If the dispatch.fcgi process is in the midst of handling a request I defer letting it be killed until the request…

erlang.org is down

The Open Source Erlang/OTP (http://www.erlang.org/) and the Commercial Support (http://www.erlang.se/) websites are down for several days. Fortunately there are two mirrors where you will find the downloads: Uppsala University, Sweden Soft…

Custom Ruby Search Engine

...I went to the Google CO-OP CSE website and created a new project named “The Ruby Kitchen Sink” and to this engine I added about 200 different ruby related blogs which I found from rubycorner.com and next I took a look at the top 100 dow…

Lingr API

...The Lingr API is a simple, HTTP-based REST protocol that enables anyone to interact with, extend, and mashup Lingr in whatever wacky way they want.... ...Using the Ruby Lingr API toolkit, a Ruby programmer can be up and talking to our A…

Fork JavaScript

Fork is a JavaScript library with Ajax, Events, DOM manipulation, etc. Fork is a general purpose library with a few bonus lines in the Ajax library specifically for use with Ruby on Rails however the library can be happily used outside of …

Junebug Wiki

Junebug is a simple, clean, minimalist wiki intended for personal use. Built on Camping web microframework. Sqlite3 database backend. Features: Simple installation (via gems) Standalone operation. No need to run a webserver. SQL database b…

Apache vs Others

Interesting comment in Homo-Adminus Blog. Will copy it here just to not disapear. Meditate on this I will (Yoda-style speaking ;) ). Apache doesn’t fork a new instance for every connection.Rather it “preforks” some instances, and all those…


Erubis is a pure Ruby implementation of eRuby. It has the following features. Very fast, almost three times faster than ERB and even as fast as eruby (implemented in C)... Embedded pattern changeable (default '') Multi-language support (Ru…

Google Notebook

Google announced their new toy - Google Notebook. There are already several reviews for it on the net. People complaining about missing tagging etc. GNotebook come with Firefox extension. Pretty cool. And there is already (unofficial) Pyth…

Lua - the silent new web 2.0 player?

Everything started with a post, benchmarking cherrypy agains other similar web servers. Nothing special, we can see how good Mongrel is ;) What catched my attention was the lines about LuaWeb2: [Mongrel] ... Requests per second: 386.31 [#/…

COMET - the next stage of AJAX

The new player on the Web 2.0 scene? Ajax improved the UI, Comet seems more server-side oriented. Via a persistend HTTP connections it making the communication with the server "push-based" - the server, asynchroniously pushing data to the …

One ring to lead them all...

It's not about famous "The Lord of the Rings" movie. It's about increasing the performance via using the unified tools. What I'm talking about: My everyday usage programming language of choice is Ruby My web applications are in Ruby: Ruby …