
OpenID in Edge Rails

So we got millions of people with an OpenID by virtue of their AIM account. Great. Now they just need a place or two to actually use it. -- DHH changeset 6245 -- Added simple OpenID authentication Rails plugin wrapper for ruby-openidSee al…

Backends failover tracking

Pretty useful piece of code: is_pid_alive(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> rpc:call(node(Pid), erlang, is_process_alive, [Pid]).Checking if some process is alive. But working only with Erlang processes. I cannot check the status of some general TC…

reverl - REVerse proxy in ERLang

Created the reverl project on Google Code. Reverl is reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web server(s), implemented in Erlang. Before to start the real coding, I needed a more general proxy(gateway) behaviour. What exactly…

Cookie Based Sessions in Current Rails

Seems Cookie Based Sessions are the New Default in Edge Rails: ...Cookie-based sessions are just faster to retrieve and process than hitting the file-system on every request. Plus, I would imagine they scale considerably better as they’re …

Common Concurrency Patterns

Cast (send msg) A ! B Event (get msg) receive A -> A end Call (RPC) A ! {self(), B}, receive {A, Reply} -> Reply end Callback receive {From, A} -> From ! F(A) endSome trickery follows ;).Here something cool - Parallel RPC: par_rpc([A, B, C…

Erlang Mantra

Origin: Making Reliable Distributed Systems in the Presence of Software Errors Everything is a process. Processes are strongly isolated. Process creation and destruction is a lightweight operation. Message passing is the only way for proce…

14th Ruby Kansai Workshop

Today (17-Feb-2007) was the 14th Ruby Kansai meeting in Kyoto. Some notes on Stikipad (and copy on my wiki). For bad luck both Stikipad and JunebugWiki cannot do trackbacks, so I'll use this diary to ping the event page. Interesting conver…

Japanese OpenID

I have already my OpenID.ne.jp registered ;)

Search Erlang-related information

Started Google Co-op powered Erlang-related Search Engine. Enjoy Update 09-Feb-2007: Also some tinyurl for the search machine

Software project management tool

...Devalot is a software project management tool. Think about it this way: take the best features from applications like Trac, Collaboa, and GForge, then sprinkle in a few features from Mephisto and Typo...

Interconnecting Erlang Nodes

I have an OpenVPN -based VPN. A put some notes on connecting Erlang nodes, running on the VPN machines on my wiki. Erlang is for geeks ;)

Keeping Rails running at Dreamhost Part 2

...I’ve finally gotten my 500 error rate down to 0 by making some minor changes to the signal handling code of dispatch.fcgi. If the dispatch.fcgi process is in the midst of handling a request I defer letting it be killed until the request…