
Install merb-dev

Trying to install the development version of merb , i've got: no such file to load -- extlib/tasks/releaseSeems the extlib gem is too old for merb. Fix: $ git clone git:// $ cd extlib $ rake gem $ sudo gem install …

TinyURL Ramaze Application

Created tinyurl ramaze application - everything in one file - model, view, controller. Required gems: sqlite3-ruby, sequel, validatable, ramaze.Even have an API: $ curl -O turl.rb $ ruby turl.…

26th Ruby Kansai Workshop in Kyoto

On 17-May-2008 there was 26th Ruby Kansai Workshop in Kyoto. A lot of fun like always :) The chatlog from the presentations is available on lingr.I gave a presentation "Ruby off Rails" about developing web applications in Ruby, but without…

Online books

merb-book on github and Online Merb Book ramaze-book on github The Django Book

'X-Sendfile' for Rack, take 2

In the spirit of “Fork me if you like me" I forked the Rack project on github and applied my ‘X-Sendfile’ related changes. Now you can have download acceleration with: use Rack::Static, :urls => ["/files"], :root => "public", :extra => { '…

Rack::XStatic Middleware - 'X-Sendfile' for Rack

After I found the Rails X-Sendfile plugin, decided to code something similar for Rack (and Ramaze). The result: Rack::XStatic middleware. Example usage: rackup file. Start it with: rackup -s thin -p 7000 xfile.ruFor using it with …

Throttler Ramaze helper

After reading Rails Plugin: Throttler I created a Throttler Ramaze Helper . What is it for? ”...The throttling plugin monitors the load of your server and allows you to disable certain features of your app when the load is too high...” How…

Merb on Joyent Accelerator (part 1)

The Accelerator including almost everything by default - Ruby, gems etc. Adding the Merb framework was without any problems. Some tips: Pre-requirements: $ sudo gem install mongrel json json_pure erubis mime-types rspec hpricot mocha \ rub…

Joyent Facebook Developer Accelerator

Got my Joyent Facebook Developer Accelerator. Will try to put some Merb application on it. To read: Merb and Data Mapper Merb & Datamapper: Getting Rolling Tutorial on developing a Facebook platform application with Ruby On Rails Using Rub…

Rails 2.0 Preview Release

Tried the new Rails version. After $ rails rls20PR && cd rls20PR $ rake rails:freeze:edge TAG=rel_2-0-0_PR $ rake rails:updatefor every rake task i've got: rake aborted! no such file to load -- active_resourceThe problem: edge_rails requir…

Speedup Ruby on Linux

Origin: discussion on comp.lang.rubyIt appears that when compiled with --enable-pthread ruby will call sigprocmask MANY MANY more times than without. You can verify this with strace -c: $ strace -c ruby -e '1.upto(100000) {|i| i.to_s}' % t…

18th Ruby/Rails meeting in Hirakata

On 11-August-2007 there was a Ruby/Rails meeting in Hirakata. For the first time Osaka meeting is so far from Osaka. About 1.5 hour with train. It was soooooo hot walking from the station to the university :( I put some notes about the eve…

Junebug Wiki on BrightBox

I installed JuneBug wiki on bbox . There was some bugs in the installation documentation so will put small notes here. The installation process is for Ubuntu Dapper box on BrightBox beta hosting. Adjust for your own situation: # Ubuntu/Deb…

Rubygems on Debian "one-click installer"

Before I mentioned Rails on Debian "one-click installer". Seems there is also a way to install ruby gems with apt-get on debian-like systems. It's in japanese, so just a short translation: Add to your /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://back…

OpenID in Edge Rails

So we got millions of people with an OpenID by virtue of their AIM account. Great. Now they just need a place or two to actually use it. -- DHH changeset 6245 -- Added simple OpenID authentication Rails plugin wrapper for ruby-openidSee al…

Cookie Based Sessions in Current Rails

Seems Cookie Based Sessions are the New Default in Edge Rails: ...Cookie-based sessions are just faster to retrieve and process than hitting the file-system on every request. Plus, I would imagine they scale considerably better as they’re …

14th Ruby Kansai Workshop

Today (17-Feb-2007) was the 14th Ruby Kansai meeting in Kyoto. Some notes on Stikipad (and copy on my wiki). For bad luck both Stikipad and JunebugWiki cannot do trackbacks, so I'll use this diary to ping the event page. Interesting conver…

Custom Ruby Search Engine

...I went to the Google CO-OP CSE website and created a new project named “The Ruby Kitchen Sink” and to this engine I added about 200 different ruby related blogs which I found from and next I took a look at the top 100 dow…

Lingr API

...The Lingr API is a simple, HTTP-based REST protocol that enables anyone to interact with, extend, and mashup Lingr in whatever wacky way they want.... ...Using the Ruby Lingr API toolkit, a Ruby programmer can be up and talking to our A…

Basic Authentication for Camping

Small is smart ;) Another bright idea: Basic Authentication for Camping. No need from difficult admin controllers/methods. Good.

Webserver with Mongrel

After seen a small webservers in Perl and Ruby (webrick) here is my try with using Mongrel:Start an webserver on all interfaces (, port 3002, serving static pages from ./html/ directory: require 'mongrel' config = Mongrel::Configur…

Ruby-1.8.5 release

We have just released the latest stable version of Ruby. This is a bug fix release. There should be no big difference from 1.8.4. We hope 1.8.5 is more stable and reliable than its preceding versions.―-Yukihiro MatsumotoAnd the change summ…

Announce: Restolog-1.2 (beta1)

Created a first beta version of Restolog-1.2 . What’s new in it: Textile markup for articles body (act_as_textiled plugin) REST client (‘script/rester’) New REST API calls added (mostly for articles and comments) Some documentation (README…

MapReduce for Ruby: Ridiculously Easy Distributed Programming

Google's MapReduce is now available for Ruby (via gem install starfish). MapReduce is the technique used by Google to do monstrous distributed programming over 30 terabyte files.Here is the basic code that will get you up and running with …

RailsConf 2006 Summaries

A nice summaries of the RailsConf2006 sessions by Nick Sieger. Update (see also): Planet RailsConf Blogging RailsConf

Park Place, an Amazon-S3 Clone in Ruby

Via RedHanded:Park Place, a clone of Amazon's S3 (Simple Storage Service.) It's written entirely in Ruby, with heaps of help from the Camping 4k web framework. Oh, and no SOAP support to speak of. gem install camping --source code.whythelu…

Ruby Hacking Guide

Project to translate into English the Ruby Hacking Guide. The RHG is a book that explains how the ruby interpreter (the official C implementation of the Ruby language) works internally.

9th Rubykai in Osaka Notes

To test the new wiki, i put there my notes from the 9th Ruby meeting in Osaka previous week. There are more detailed notes in japanese in ha-tan-san's diary.Interesting: now I can easy move pages between wiki, when they are work in progres…

One ring to lead them all...

It's not about famous "The Lord of the Rings" movie. It's about increasing the performance via using the unified tools. What I'm talking about: My everyday usage programming language of choice is Ruby My web applications are in Ruby: Ruby …

pure ruby FastCGI implementation

Can I use it for something?