Merb on Joyent Accelerator (part 1)

The Accelerator including almost everything by default - Ruby, gems etc. Adding the Merb framework was without any problems. Some tips:

  • Pre-requirements:
$  sudo gem install mongrel json json_pure erubis mime-types rspec hpricot mocha \
                    rubigen haml markaby mailfactory Ruby2Ruby --no-rdoc --no-ri
  • Switching to merb trunk:
$ svn co merb
$ cd merb/
$ rake gem
$ sudo gem install pkg/merb-0.4.2.gem --no-rdoc --no-ri
  • Swithing to merb_helpers trunk (for better form helpers):
$ svn co
$ cd merb_helpers/
$ rake gem
$ gem list
$ sudo gem install pkg/merb_helpers-0.4.1.gem --no-rdoc --no-ri

There was problems with the datamapper installation. The do_sqlite3 gem compilation was successful. For do_mysql gem one however I needed:

cd /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/do_mysql-0.2.2/ext/
make clean
ruby extconf.rb --with-mysql-include=/opt/local/include/mysql \
cd ../
rake gem
gem install pkg/do_mysql-0.2.2.gem \
    --no-rdoc --no-ri -- \
    --with-mysql-include=/opt/local/include/mysql \

My coworker Jeffrey Gelens was pretty excited about merb+datamapper combo. He even submitted some composite indexes patch to their repository.