
Check your BitTorrent port forwarding

Download the .torrent file Paste the torrent link into DumpTorrent Copy the hash ID from its output into NatCheck page

apache2 + fastcgi

Good post in Moro-san's blog. Still I prefer lighttpd + spawn-fcgi for independent FastCGI listeners restarting.

Gentoo VPS project

Happy news - better support for VServer in Gentoo. Yahoooo! ...First, we have created the Gentoo VPS project, in order to concert the development of different implementations, and provide a convenient way for use with gentoo. The project p…

Restarting Rails without SSH access

Great tip from the Feedmarker blogChange the following line in your dispatch.cgi (or dispatch.fcgi, depending on which you use) file: RailsFCGIHandler.process!to RailsFCGIHandler.process! nil, 1This tells Rails to run the garbage collector…

Rails-like framework in Javascript!

Ajax すぎる? :)



SCGI Rails Runner SCGI and Rails on Apache 1.3.x Apache module named mod_scgi And it come natively with lighttpd :)

Is Ruby on Rails Maintainable?


"So is Rails just a nice RAD tool for disposable, cookie-cutter apps (which have a place, of course)? Is high-level generation just a bad OO substitute? And what has your experience of Rails' maintainability been?"

Templates again


In Rails it's relatively easy to use template engine, different from the default (erb) one: Liquid template engine How to use Amrita2 with Ruby On Rails A backport of RJS Templates in plugin form - allows you to use RJS Templates in your p…

Linux in a binary world... a doomsday scenario


Fun, and not so much. Mostly scary:Linux in a binary worldWhat if.. what if the linux kernel developers tomorrow (06-Dec-2005) accept that binary modules are OK and are essential for the progress of linux. a hypothetical doomsday scenario …

CGIKit 2.0.0 preview 2

CGIKit is a web application framework written in Ruby.Features: 100% Pure Ruby components based Can handle RSS and Ajax (prototype.js) FastCGI adaptor API references in japanese Hm, can it be pure man Rails replacement? And will it give us…

Lighttpd on Debian and Ubuntu

In the latest lighttpd-1.4.8 release, they removed the debian/ support:(from the changelog) removed debian/ dir from source package on request by packagerSad :( For me i solved the problem with copying the directory from the old 1.4.7 rele…

BlackDog Linux Personal Server

The BlackDog server turns out to be an interesting hybrid of a putting Linux on a USB flash device and putting an embedded Linux into a USB device. The actual device is around the size and weight of a pack of cards, and runs Debian Linux o…

Multilingual Rails

via Robby on Rails:Globalize is a Ruby on Rails plugin designed to support multilingual applications. It’s under the MIT License, same as Ruby on Rails.

Custom Validation Messages

Two interesting things in this area: Custom Validation Messages plugin Set Field Names plugin There are some expectations for a patch to the Rails distribution sources.

Ruby-kai in Kyoto

Today is already too late, so just some notes. Need more research on "Transactions in Rails" (Takagi-san): Module ActiveRecord::Transactions::ClassMethods Save and destroy are automatically wrapped in a transaction HowToUseTransactions Whe…

Handling errors

In the development environment, evebody sees the debugging screen when something goes wrong. In the production environment, you only get a debugging screen, when operating from localhost. But because of the memory leak in the current rails…

Apache and FastCGI

An example config: <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c> FastCgiIpcDir /tmp/fcgi_ipc FastCgiServer /path/to/myapp/dispatch.fcgi -initial_env RAILS_ENV=production \ -processes 15 -idle-timeout 60 </IfModule>The important part is FastCgiServer. It creating static server definition - 15 fa…

Clearing ActiveRecord-saved sessions

AWDwR book is full with wizdom. Will try to post here from time to time a small gems from it, suitable for our Rails production environment. For easier searching the title lines will be prefixed with [Agile]. So the first gem, something li…

Multiple rails applications in one vhost

lighttpd 1.4.8 was just released and next to a pile of bugfixes we added a new option to fastcgi.server to allow a simple setup of multiple rails app in one virtual host.. Go, go lighty :)

W32/Sober.Z@mm , be careful

W32/Sober.Z@mm has gained wide distribution since 21 November 2005 ... Sober strikes again Technical description of W32/Sober.Z@mm

Distributing Rails Applications

Tar2RubyScript and RubyScript2Exe tutorial, updated to work with Rails 0.14.3 .

HowTo Use Active Record Outside Rails

Create example database $ mkdir db $ sqlite db/database.sqlite sqlite> create ...... Create tasks.rb # require AR require 'rubygems' require_gem 'activerecord' # connect to the database (sqlite in this case) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_co…

Storing sessions in your database

From Projecttionist tumblelog: 1. create needed tables $ cd myapp && rake create_session_table2. edit config/environment.rb config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store

Rails on Xen

Recently installed Xen-based system. Have already working Debian, Gentoo and Slackware domU-s. Helpful pointers: The Perfect Setup - Debian Sarge (3.1) The Perfect Xen Setup For Debian And Ubuntu How to Install Slackware Linux to a DomainU…

Evaluation: moving from Java to Ruby on Rails for the CenterNet rewrite


Document was written by Rick Bradley as part of their IS Applications group’s process of (re)evaluating platforms for deployment of a large-scale healthcare application. Java vs Ruby/Rails. Some interesting pointers, like Connection Poolin…

Engines & Migrations

From the James Adam's post to the Rails ML: If your Engine has a properly -formed "db/migrate" folder, you can now use the provided "rake engines_migrate" task to manage its tables in the database. Find this code in the development branch …

Design Matters meeting

Yesterday (15-Oct) recieved invitation from a friend of mine and visited a Design Matters meeting in Shinsaibashi. Thanks to Garr Reynolds for keeping it up and running. It is one of the not so much english speaking computer related events…


a script/overview for viewing the methods of classes under app/ Download the script Hm a little not working :( $ script/overview mmc.cscript/overview:68:in `outline_format': private method `sub!' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) fro…

Even better themes (theme_generator version 1.3.0)

Theme Generator Shapes Up The theme support is now completely encapsulated in a plugin fully supports custom application views supports using liquid templates and it’s dead simple to use ;)


rails myapp && cd myapp && ./script/plugin install \ http://techno-weenie.net/svn/projects/acts_as_authenticated/ ./script/generate authenticated user account ./script/generate authenticated_mailer user