
Beer 2.0

Hahahaha, one of the coolest RoR sites - Coastr : an experiment in social networking for beer snobs (meant as a compliment, of course!). The basic idea is for you to create a list of your favorite beers, and to connect you with other peopl…



"Baby Clothes for Baby Geeks" hahahahaha while (still_a_baby == true) { if (hungry == true || diaper_needs_changing == true || wants_to_play == true || just_feels_like_it == true) { end_sleep(); start_cry(); } else { end_cry(); start_sleep…

Why to switch to Mac


From somebody's weblog: I switched to 12" 867mhz pbook 2.5 years ago and i don't regret it one bit. I am a certified Windows/PC technician and make a lot of money from those infected Windows machines. That's why i use a Mac. ROFL :)

Linux in a binary world... a doomsday scenario


Fun, and not so much. Mostly scary:Linux in a binary worldWhat if.. what if the linux kernel developers tomorrow (06-Dec-2005) accept that binary modules are OK and are essential for the progress of linux. a hypothetical doomsday scenario …



Bad,bad Yoda Hahahahaha