How to use Archlinux Pacman?

Packages installation:

pacman -Sy package_name - packages installation and local packages db sync
pacman -S package_name - packages installation along with dependencies
pacman -Sl repository_name - display packages list of a given repository
pacman -Sv package_name - information about operation

Removing packages:

pacman -R package_name - removing package without dependencies
pacman -Rs package_name - removing package along with dependencies
pacman -Rn package_name - purging package

System update:

pacman -Su - update all the packages
pacman -Syu - update all the packages and synchronize local packages database

Database queries:

pacman -Ss keyword - search for all packages matching the keyword
                                     (where the keyword is a part of the package name)
pacman -Qi package_name - information about package
pacman -Ql package_name - list files that a given package consist of
pacman -Qs package_name - search files installed on hard disk

Other commands:

pacman -Sw package_name - download package without installation
pacman -A /file/path/file.tar - install package
pacman -Sc - clean cache (old files)
pacman -Scc - clean cache (all files)

Original article