
TinyURL Ramaze Application

Created tinyurl ramaze application - everything in one file - model, view, controller. Required gems: sqlite3-ruby, sequel, validatable, ramaze.Even have an API: $ curl -O turl.rb http://zhware.net/code/ruby/ramaze/turl.rb.txt $ ruby turl.…

26th Ruby Kansai Workshop in Kyoto

On 17-May-2008 there was 26th Ruby Kansai Workshop in Kyoto. A lot of fun like always :) The chatlog from the presentations is available on lingr.I gave a presentation "Ruby off Rails" about developing web applications in Ruby, but without…

Online books

merb-book on github and Online Merb Book ramaze-book on github The Django Book

'X-Sendfile' for Rack, take 2

In the spirit of “Fork me if you like me" I forked the Rack project on github and applied my ‘X-Sendfile’ related changes. Now you can have download acceleration with: use Rack::Static, :urls => ["/files"], :root => "public", :extra => { '…

Rack::XStatic Middleware - 'X-Sendfile' for Rack

After I found the Rails X-Sendfile plugin, decided to code something similar for Rack (and Ramaze). The result: Rack::XStatic middleware. Example usage: xfile.ru rackup file. Start it with: rackup -s thin -p 7000 xfile.ruFor using it with …