
f5's BIG-IP load balancer

From some time I'm interested from BIG-IP like a load balancing with failover solution for our network. Found interesting post with BIG-IP features: It runs Linux kernel 2.4 in conjunction with some microkernel OS that F5 calls TMOS. Custo…

The Cathedral and the Bazaar

Now new, but classic book. Still very actual. Small quote: "Treating your users as co-developers is your least-hassle route to rapid code improvement and effective debugging.". Mmmmmm, open source is good.

pure ruby FastCGI implementation

Can I use it for something?

lighttpd-1.4.10 does not work very well with 2.4 linux kernels:

the patch exists (src/network_linux_sendfile.c): #include "log.h" #include "stat_cache.h" /* ADD THIS LINE */ /* on linux 2.4.29 + debian/ubuntu we have crashes if this is enabled */ #undef HAVE_POSIX_FADVISE

Ackbar, KirbyBase, and Rails


Intreresting stuff: KirbyBase, a small, pure-Ruby, database management system. Ackbar, an ActiveRecord adapter for KirbyBase Chapters 6 and 7 of "Agile Web Development with Rails", using Ackbar/KirbyBase instead of MySQL In general: if you…

Optimizing Rails Resource Usage

Found via Rails Tips, link point to TextDrive weblog Minimize the amount of FCGI listeners Use caching NEVER run “development” on FastCGI for more than 1-2 hours Observe your memory consumption Rotate your logs Write and run unit tests Che…

Stylish your code

Rules for better Rails programming: Two spaces, no tabs Blocks use { }, if they are one-liners, otherwise do … end Surround equal signs with spaces, @myvar = ‘foo’, not @myvar=’foo’ Surround hash assignments with spaces, :foo => ‘bar’, not…

New Books

We have some new books :) (still PDF only)

Adamantix support for Debian

From Peter Busser's email to the RSBAC ML: I have compiled a number of RSBAC and Adamantix packages for Debian Sarge. This allows Debian Sarge users to benefit from some of the Adamantix features... Adamantix started like Hardened Debian. …



"Baby Clothes for Baby Geeks" hahahahaha while (still_a_baby == true) { if (hungry == true || diaper_needs_changing == true || wants_to_play == true || just_feels_like_it == true) { end_sleep(); start_cry(); } else { end_cry(); start_sleep…


Via Stu's Diary:AccessFS from Olaf Dietsche allows the system administrator to restrict access to a network port based on uid/gui, so that daemons no longer need to run as the root user: # mount -t accessfs none /proc/access # chown www /p…

Mongrel HTTP Server 0.2.0


What's new: more speed HttpResponse class is now fully functioning (does not support the CGI library yet) comming with some Camping samples which should work with the svn version of Camping. See also: Mongrel RDoc pages

Globalize (i18n for Rails)


Some people on the Rails ML was worried what's happend to the Globalize plugin. It's not dead, just moved to another home.Planet Aragon has been using Globalize for a few months now on a few client projects that require support for ~30 lan…