Adamantix support for Debian

From Peter Busser's email to the RSBAC ML:
I have compiled a number of RSBAC and Adamantix packages for Debian Sarge. This allows Debian Sarge users to benefit from some of the Adamantix features...
Adamantix started like Hardened Debian. Using well tested and stable Debian base, they added a lot of modern security stuff: PaX , SSP, RSBAC , making the distro one of the best choices for servers. I was involved in the early stages of the project but stopped contributing, because I was short of time. Still I'm following their progress and I'm happy to see good stuff going to the mainstream Debian also. For homework: Chicken - Scheme-to-C compiler - CHICKEN is a compiler that translates R5RS Scheme into portable C using a technique developed by Henry Baker ("Cheney on the M.T.A.").