
Rubygems on Debian "one-click installer"

Before I mentioned Rails on Debian "one-click installer". Seems there is also a way to install ruby gems with apt-get on debian-like systems. It's in japanese, so just a short translation: Add to your /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://back…

Change to REST URLs for Rails 2.0

...No longer will we have to use RESTful URLs such as article/1;edit. We're going back to the more normal-looking article/1/edit ...


Luke Gorrie’s comment to ‘Erlang: parallel-map and parallel-foreach’ articleParallel map brainfsck implementation in Erlang: %% Map function F over list L in parallel. parmap(F, L) -> Parent = self(), [ receive {Pid, Result} -> Result end …

Concurrent program template

Something always to start with: -module(ctemplate). -compile(export_all). start() -> spawn(fun() -> loop([]) end). rpc(Pid, Query) -> Pid ! {self(), Query}, receive {Pid, Reply} -> Reply end. loop(X) -> receive Any -> io:format("Received:~…

Programming Erlang Book

Lean how to write truly concurrent programs―programs that run on dozens or even hundreds of local and remote processors. See how to write high reliability applications―even in the face of network and hardware failure―using the Erlang progr…