18th Ruby/Rails meeting in Hirakata

On 11-August-2007 there was a Ruby/Rails meeting in Hirakata. For the first time Osaka meeting is so far from Osaka. About 1.5 hour with train. It was soooooo hot walking from the station to the university :( I put some notes about the eve…

Rubygems on Debian "one-click installer"

Before I mentioned Rails on Debian "one-click installer". Seems there is also a way to install ruby gems with apt-get on debian-like systems. It's in japanese, so just a short translation: Add to your /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://back…

Change to REST URLs for Rails 2.0

...No longer will we have to use RESTful URLs such as article/1;edit. We're going back to the more normal-looking article/1/edit ...

Cookie Based Sessions in Current Rails

Seems Cookie Based Sessions are the New Default in Edge Rails: ...Cookie-based sessions are just faster to retrieve and process than hitting the file-system on every request. Plus, I would imagine they scale considerably better as they’re …

Software project management tool

...Devalot is a software project management tool. Think about it this way: take the best features from applications like Trac, Collaboa, and GForge, then sprinkle in a few features from Mephisto and Typo...

Keeping Rails running at Dreamhost Part 2

...I’ve finally gotten my 500 error rate down to 0 by making some minor changes to the signal handling code of dispatch.fcgi. If the dispatch.fcgi process is in the midst of handling a request I defer letting it be killed until the request…

Fork JavaScript

Fork is a JavaScript library with Ajax, Events, DOM manipulation, etc. Fork is a general purpose library with a few bonus lines in the Ajax library specifically for use with Ruby on Rails however the library can be happily used outside of …



minimal = KISS = i like it :) Camping is a web framework which consistently stays at less than 4kb of code Mosquito is a simple test framework for why the lucky stiff's Camping web library. It provides simple hooks and a few assertions for…

6th Kansai Rails meeting in Kobe

After small timeout I found a time to put some notes for the last Rails meeting in Kobe. Sometimes StikiPad is down (specially when i need my notes ;) ), so like a work around will try to duplicate all notes on the self-hosted Junebug-powe…

Deploying Rails google group

From the About page: Discussions related to deploying applications built with Ruby on Rails.From the RoR ML: ...A few of us decided that it would be a good idea to expand on some of the deployment-related conversations in another mailing l…

Junebug Wiki

Junebug is a simple, clean, minimalist wiki intended for personal use. Built on Camping web microframework. Sqlite3 database backend. Features: Simple installation (via gems) Standalone operation. No need to run a webserver. SQL database b…

No Ruby On Rails in Kansai

Seems RoR is dead in Kansai :( No conferences, no meetings. Tokyo - 12 Rails meetings and growing. Kansai - 5 meetings and no schedule for the next one. Sad.

Rails Gets Unicode Handling


via RailsTipsFor those interested in or needing Unicode, changeset #5223 should interest you. It is the initial checkin of ActiveSupport::Multibyte...Multibyte even has a screencast for those interested.

Merb = Mongrel + Erb

Merb == Mongrel + Erb. It is a super lightwieght ruby app server that maps urls to simple classes that can render erb templates...If you have a few pages of your dynamic site that have to be fast and you maybe don’t need the full power of …

nginx notes

I put some notes for nginx on my wiki .The rails system administration is like waves – somebody found a new software and the community just fulfill it. Maybe there must be some name for this effect. Something like digg-effect but maybe Rai…

Announce: Restolog-1.2 (beta1)

Created a first beta version of Restolog-1.2 . What’s new in it: Textile markup for articles body (act_as_textiled plugin) REST client (‘script/rester’) New REST API calls added (mostly for articles and comments) Some documentation (README…

MapReduce for Ruby: Ridiculously Easy Distributed Programming

Google's MapReduce is now available for Ruby (via gem install starfish). MapReduce is the technique used by Google to do monstrous distributed programming over 30 terabyte files.Here is the basic code that will get you up and running with …

Ruby Cookbook PDF


O'Reilly is now selling the Ruby Cookbook as a downloadable PDF for 50% off the cover price (see the "I want the PDF" checkbox in the upper right corner). Seems this is the first full-length O'Reilly book to be sold as PDF. PDF copies of t…

RailsConf 2006 Summaries

A nice summaries of the RailsConf2006 sessions by Nick Sieger. Update (see also): Planet RailsConf Blogging RailsConf

WebDAV Ruby On Rails Plugin

Uhoo, finally. Now I can access my Rails applications not only with browser, but also mount them from the OS X Finger or like Windows Network Disks. Pretty cool. I'm waiting also for the changes in the Rails itself, to support PUT and DELE…


Great news from LiteSpeed Technologies – after a post to the forum they have ”X-Forwarded-Proto: https” AUTOMATICALY added to the headers, when proxing requests, initially comming via HTTPS. Now Rails applications are not confused, when do…

Rails "one-click" installer for Debian Sarge

Add to your /etc/apt/sources.list : deb sarge rails Install Rails $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install rails There is no step 3 ;) And if your question is "who the hack made this package?", it's NaCl -…

Discovering a world of Resources on Rails


The best DHH presentation on RubyKaigi2006 "summary". Man, it's not a summary, it just the whole presentation, word by word, translated in japanese with sources, pictures etc.


Erubis is a pure Ruby implementation of eRuby. It has the following features. Very fast, almost three times faster than ERB and even as fast as eruby (implemented in C)... Embedded pattern changeable (default '') Multi-language support (Ru…

Distribute your Rails application as a Gem

1. Install fossilize plugin $ ./script/plugin source $ ./script/plugin install fossilize2. Create the default script and configuration for your application # will create config/applica…

Rich Text Editor for your Rails Applications

via Aidan Finn's blog :widgEditor is a small simple lightweight editor. It provided basic rich functions such as bold, italics, links, lists, images and headings. Rails integration: Download widgEditor and uncompress Copy the widgEditor.js…

(InstantRails/Locomotive)-like install for Linux

ROROX - Package providing Ruby, Rails plus dependencies and other gems, Apache SCGI module, and scgi_rails, to be installed over a XAMPP installation. The aim is to get close to a "one-click" installer for Linux (a la Locomotive or Instant…

Mongrel Clustering

mongrel_cluster makes it easy to manage multiple Mongrel processes behind a reverse-proxy server and load balancer such as Pound, Balance, Lighttpd, or Apache. See also: Apache: Scaling Rails with Apache 2.2, mod_proxy_balancer and Mongrel…

The adventures of scaling, Stage 4

...Stage 4 is the last part of the scaling series containing last polishing steps, a summary of what helped and what didn’t, as well as a look at future optimization plans...

Eribium - another Rails-base CMS

The demo is also available - user/password = demo/demo.