
Handling errors

In the development environment, evebody sees the debugging screen when something goes wrong. In the production environment, you only get a debugging screen, when operating from localhost. But because of the memory leak in the current rails…

Apache and FastCGI

An example config: <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c> FastCgiIpcDir /tmp/fcgi_ipc FastCgiServer /path/to/myapp/dispatch.fcgi -initial_env RAILS_ENV=production \ -processes 15 -idle-timeout 60 </IfModule>The important part is FastCgiServer. It creating static server definition - 15 fa…

Clearing ActiveRecord-saved sessions

AWDwR book is full with wizdom. Will try to post here from time to time a small gems from it, suitable for our Rails production environment. For easier searching the title lines will be prefixed with [Agile]. So the first gem, something li…