
Rails on Xen

Recently installed Xen-based system. Have already working Debian, Gentoo and Slackware domU-s. Helpful pointers: The Perfect Setup - Debian Sarge (3.1) The Perfect Xen Setup For Debian And Ubuntu How to Install Slackware Linux to a DomainU…

Evaluation: moving from Java to Ruby on Rails for the CenterNet rewrite


Document was written by Rick Bradley as part of their IS Applications group’s process of (re)evaluating platforms for deployment of a large-scale healthcare application. Java vs Ruby/Rails. Some interesting pointers, like Connection Poolin…

Engines & Migrations

From the James Adam's post to the Rails ML: If your Engine has a properly -formed "db/migrate" folder, you can now use the provided "rake engines_migrate" task to manage its tables in the database. Find this code in the development branch …