
A Markdown editor

If using Markdown for presentations (s5presents), wiki or blog, maybe TextMate+Markdown+SmartyPants is a pretty good solution.

A good snippet for switching sessions off

From Scott Stuff Blog: class ArticlesController < ApplicationController cached_pages = [:index, :read, :permalink, :category, :find_by_date, :archives, :view_page, :tag] caches_page *cached_pages session :off, :only => cached_pages ... end

Accelerate your dates

New post on the "RailsExpress" blog On pages with 25 dates displayed it is approximately 70% faster than the original version. On a page with 1 date, it’s already 6% faster. If you have pages with a large number of date displays, you might…

Database-agnostic schemas

Ruby-based representation of your database schema. you can change from one database to another with no effort.The schema generator is sort of the flip side of the new schema code in Rails 1.0. It takes a set of Rails migrations, aggregates…

Standardising flash usage

Interesting discussion in the Rails ML about better (more standard) flash messages. In general: // :notice for positive feedback (action successful, etc) // :message for neutral feedback (reminders, etc) // :warning for negative feedback (…

Rails 1.0 RC4 (0.14.3)


script/server - will use lighttpd/fastcgi if installed and fall down to webrick if not (not for Winblows users) script/plugin is already native part of the distribution script/about - i'm waiting for this from a loooong time. reports all R…

Ruby way in benchmarking (apache ab replacement)

Ruby Web Bench (RWB) - I wanted to be able to build a weighted list of urls with which to test a website. RWB will become a little language in which you can write such lists, run tests, and build reports -- Pat Eyler

Improve your ActiveRecord performance

The case for piggy backed attributes Improve your ActiveRecord performance via: :include def show_some @recipes = Recipe.find(:all, :limit => 50, :include => [:user]) end piggy backed attributes # model class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base be…


Shopify is a hosted e-commerce solution that removes the traditional barriers that have kept many individuals and small business from selling online. It is a Web 2.0 product that focuses on providing buyers and sellers with the features es…

Projects for the Beginner

Projects for the Python Beginner. Will be interesting to have such a list for Ruby/Rails.

Another brick in the Rails wall?


Liquid is a template engine optimized for xhtml and emails. To start using liquid just extract it into vendor/plugins or better yet use the ./script/plugin script to install liquid. You can now start using templates with the .liquid file t…

RadRails 0.4

Promising Ruby on Rails IDE. New features: Syntax highlighting: RHTML, Ruby Code Assist/Content Assist: RHTML, Ruby Code templates/snippets for commonly used Rails commands Now i'm using Arachno Ruby(evaluation version) on Windows and Text…

Ruby in the enterprise

Interesting book comming soon: Enterprise Integration with Ruby - Databases (MySQL, Oracle), LDAP, REST. The image in this post is not very clear, but it mostly to test linking to Hatena::Fotolife ;)

Changes in Ruby 1.9

I have scanned over 25000 lines of Changelogs to extract the changes between the stable branch and HEAD. These include important syntax additions (like the dreadful -> syntax for lambdas, or the ability to call lambdas directly without usi…

plugins/engines install

1. Install redhanded’s plugin manager (NOTE: script/plugin is now in the beta gems and will be part of the next release.) $ rails myapp $ cd myapp $ curl http://lesscode.org/svn/rtomayko/rails/scripts/plugin > script/plugin $ chmod +x scri…

RubyGems mirrors

RubyGems are now being served by mirrors, not by RubyForge itself. Will be good somebody to set a gems mirror in Japan. In fact now all the mirrors listed in gemmirrors.map get randomly selected. Better will be the selection to be more cle…

Plugins on steroids

Rails Engines are a way of dropping in whole chunks of functionality into your existing application without affecting any of your existing code. The could also be described as mini-applications, or vertical application slices - top-to-bott…

Upgrading to Rails 1.0

Everybody's problem - upgrading Rails from 0.13.x to 0.14.x

ActiveCrypto for RoR

EzCrypto 0.2 with ActiveCrypto support for Rails - the idea is to add cryptography via a single line or two of code in your activerecord model and another line or two in a controller somewhere. Examples: # app/model/user.rb # A KeyHolder i…

KOF2005 (part2) - 2005/10/29 (Saturday)

SELinux Presented TresysTechnology. They spoke mostly for SELinux on FedoraCore 4. Tipical ;) Commercial oriented. Just mentioned Hardened Gentoo, but do not told that it is the only distribution in the moment with policies handling integr…

KOF2005 - 2005/10/28 (Friday)

Just some memos from the Kansai Open Source 2005. MySQL Don't like their license. It's dual licensed "Quid Pro Quo", so in general using the Open Source community to do tests for their commercial service. Use it for development for free, b…

TeSLa (TeSLa, a Test Specific Language for Ruby)

The new wafe in the Ruby testing? - Domain Specific Language (DSL) for testing - TeSLa



Bad,bad Yoda Hahahahaha


Added themes to my application, using theme generator . wget http://darthapo.com/repos/theme_generator-1.0.2.gem gem install theme_generator-1.0.2.gem cd myapp ./script/generate theme defaultInclude at the bottom of myapp/config/environmen…

Production Environment

Trying to "productize" our RoR environment. Like a first step - using SwitchTower. Here is a small stupid task to check the Rails version on the servers (railsapp/config/deploy.rb): desc "Rails version" task :rails_version do run "gem list…

Interesting stuff in Rails 1.0 (a.k.a 0.14)


Need to upgrade to the new Rails release ASAP. Why (ChangeLog): Database-agnostic schemas (so on some level we can switch to PostgreSQL maybe) Plugins Speed: Rails 1.0 is twice as fast as 0.13.1 (on sample app) Better FCGI: Production mode…

Ruby related blogs

Yesterday installed a New Typo blog for me. Lighttpd+FastCGI+Typo. Still running on high port until I figure how to use DAV and iCal features with lighttpd. During the installation I found a very good page with pointers to Ruby related blo…

OpenID Identity

id:babie -san's blog point me to interesting OpenID site. And here we go - my OpenID on VIdentity.

First blog entry

Can i blog here in english?