
Improve your ActiveRecord performance

The case for piggy backed attributes Improve your ActiveRecord performance via: :include def show_some @recipes = Recipe.find(:all, :limit => 50, :include => [:user]) end piggy backed attributes # model class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base be…


Shopify is a hosted e-commerce solution that removes the traditional barriers that have kept many individuals and small business from selling online. It is a Web 2.0 product that focuses on providing buyers and sellers with the features es…

Projects for the Beginner

Projects for the Python Beginner. Will be interesting to have such a list for Ruby/Rails.

Another brick in the Rails wall?


Liquid is a template engine optimized for xhtml and emails. To start using liquid just extract it into vendor/plugins or better yet use the ./script/plugin script to install liquid. You can now start using templates with the .liquid file t…