
Indexed Search Engine 0.1.3 Released


Indexed Search is a simple, pluggable engine for rails applications which can be used to enable full text indexed searches within an application.

Mongrel 0.1.1 -- A Fast Ruby Web Server


Mongrel is a web server that performs much better than WEBrick (1350 vs 175 req/sec) and only has one small C extension...It uses some Ruby 1.8.4 stuff and it uses a C extension for the HTTP parsing. The C is all ANSI so you should be OK..…

Camping, a Microframework


Camping is a web framework which consistently stays at less than 4kb of code...The idea here is to store a complete fledgling web application in a single file like many small CGIs. But to organize it as a Model-View-Controller application …

And again for templates


Markaby for Rails: why the lucky stiff and Tim Fletcher have released a pretty cool templating language for Rails called Markaby that looks like Builder, but assumes a few more things to make it even more succinct and targeted against HTML…

Testing C with Libtap

Libtap is a library for testing C code. It implements the Test Anything Protocol, which is emerging from Perl's established test framework.