Started studing Erlang

From some time i'm trying to study Erlang. Mostly because of the elegant way it handling a huge numbers of threads. Some day I'm hoping to replace Pound with a distributed system of Erlang-based loadbalancers/reverse proxies. Good, but not supported any more project - Eddie.

I'm documenting my Erlang study on the stikipad (and on my wiki).

The IRC channel is pretty quiet, so I created an Erlang Lingr chat root. Everybody with browser is welcome to join it.

Seems I'm not the only one on hatena, interested in Erlang ;) . Some buddies around:

The OSes I'm working with have too different Erlang versions so I decided to work with the latest ERTS release (5.5.2), compiled from sources. So:

$ sudo apt-gen build-dep erlang
$ wget
$ # untar and cd inside
$ ./configure --enable-smp
$ make && sudo make install
# nifty way to enable epool on linux-2.6 machines :)
$ erl +K true
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.2 [source] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]

Eshell V5.5.2  (abort with ^G)

The system itself is not so big, but there is a huuuuge list of ready to go libraries (OTP). For the mimimalist-lovers - ERLang Run Time - The erlrt base system is a 1.5Mb archive. It installs into less than 3Mb on hard disk. Plus it comes with native package management! Cool!