Erl -noshell

Just a small shell wrapper to execute Erlang programs without starting the interactive shell. Saving time when working with sample code from the tutorials ;)

# Purpose: execute erlang program from the command line 
#          side effect is creating beam with native code inside (Hipe)
# Usage:   erxec <module> <func>
# Sample:  erxec hello hello_world

MODULE=${1:?"Enter module name"}

if [ ! -f $MODULE.erl ]; then
  echo "[E] $MODULE.erl not found"
  exit 99

FUNC=${2:?"Enter function name"}

[ -e $MODULE.beam ] || erlc +native $MODULE.erl
#can be: erl -noshell -s $MODULE $FUNC -s erlang halt
erl -noshell -s $MODULE $FUNC -s init stop

TODO: how to call functions with arguments?