Evented Mongrel and bbox2 blog

On bbox2 i installed swiftiply gem . This changed the mongrel_rails command to use evented mongrelmongrel, patched to use eventmachine tcp stack instead of the original pure ruby one. In /etc/init.d/mongrel_cluster i’m starting all mongrel instances with:

env EVENT=1 mongrel_cluster_ctl start ...

And because only testing is boring ;) I deployed restolog also to bbox2 . Now it’s available on both bbox and bbox2:

So now there is a “real world” application running on nginx+evented mongrel cluster. In fact the current post is done via bbox2 :)

The backend is the same database, so there will be no duplicated etc. posts.

I wanted to do the benchmarks again but ab seems buggy – it’s hang after sending 900 requests ( -c 100 -n 1000 ). Searching the internet gave me that: ab hang . Hm, maybe will try httperf.