Erlang for everyday use (2)

Common Crap

After the first article there was more then 1500 hits. And interesting, maybe about 80% of them coming from RubyCorner ! Feedback: near to zero – just several comments on the blog and on reddit . Nothing to improve? Nothing to add? Hm, so it’s real:

Web 2.0 is about voting. It make you stupid!

OK. Cut the crap and let’s go on the topic

Install yaws

Hopefully you already have the CEAN installed . Next good thing is to install yawsHTTP high performance 1.1 webserver particularly well suited for dynamic-content webapplications (something like a mongrel for Erlang ;) )

1> cean:install(yaws).
+ ibrowse md5=<<212,78,39,29,222,40,222,24,91,65,162,253,27,109,180,42>>
+ compiler md5=<<19,177,55,189,37,11,164,23,75,115,129,152,51,24,167,234>>
+ inets md5=<<41,196,119,166,237,121,195,180,130,134,225,129,36,167,207,153>>
+ ssl md5=<<75,245,109,43,92,129,104,171,158,38,157,214,21,117,107,3>>
+ tools md5=<<15,253,151,211,133,14,99,68,114,47,193,244,20,251,111,76>>
+ xmerl md5=<<60,100,38,136,168,113,16,236,239,184,152,155,148,148,37,112>>
+ xmlrpc md5=<<158,3,240,16,89,215,193,84,48,248,191,58,98,30,54,53>>
+ yaws md5=<<88,53,90,204,22,201,30,118,182,116,117,36,67,251,39,191>>

Create var/log , var/run and var/www INSIDE YOUR CEAN directory.

$ cd ~/cean
$ mkdir -p var/lib var/run var/www

Download the example config file and the yaws startup script (they are just modified versions from the erlang sources, you can do this by yourself)

$ cd ~/cean
$ wget -O yaws.conf
$ cd ~/bin
$ wget -O yaws && chmod 755 yaws

Correct the paths in the both files (##CEANDIR## , $CEANDIR, your $OSDIR – the default is linux-x86). Start yawsing

$ yaws -i -c ~/cean/yaws.conf 
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.5.4 [source] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.5.4  (abort with ^G)
=INFO REPORT==== 14-Jun-2007::12:45:01 ===
Yaws: Using config file /home/erl/cean/yaws.conf
yaws:Add path "/home/erl/cean/erlang/lib/yaws-1.68/ebin" 
yaws:Running with id=default
Running with debug checks turned on (slower server) 
Logging to directory "/home/erl/cean/var/log" 

=INFO REPORT==== 14-Jun-2007::12:45:01 ===
Yaws: Listening to for servers
 - http://localhost:8080 under /home/erl/cean/var/www

Next time: Erlang project directory structure and “makefile” a.k.a “Convention over Configuration”.