[RoR][Sysadmin] Typo with installer

Without a lot of noise there is a new version of everybody's favourite blog engine - Typo. It including also an installer, which lets us following the no-step3-way:

$ gem install typo
$ typo install /tmp/typo

Like always with RoR, there is no step 3 ;) you have you blog ready to go.
What else give us the new Typo:

  • no need to downgrade your Rails environment - working without problems with the current Rails version
  • production ready - the new installer making mass-producing pretty easy - creating database(sqlite3 by default), choosing the random port etc.
  • mongrel friendly - it started mongrel_rails, not webrick. Can be changed from installer/rails_installer_defaults.yml
  • jabber and email notifications - that one is pretty good I think. I need to study more the implementation.